Dear Father,

Thank you for choosing our school of your favour.

We ask that all learners be saved by your Name.

May they come to accept your salvation. To walk in Your freedom and grace all the days of their life. May your Word wrap them up in Your love, Lord. 

We pray that you would give them great enthusiasm for their studies. 

May you inspire them each and everyday. May each seminar and class bring fresh inspiration to their work.

May each moment be filled with the energy they need for their tasks.

May You inspire their direction

May You protect them all the days of their lives.  

We pray that our school will be filled with love.

We pray that our learning will be full of truth.

We pray that our playground will be full of joy.

We pray that our friendships will be full of forgiveness.

We pray that our teachers will be full of wisdom.

We believe LCA can change our community with your grace.

We pray in JESUS’s name.    







The philosophy of LCA acknowledges reliance upon God as Creator, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and the Holy Spirit as the Divine Presence in the world. As a school, we believe in God and personally choose to follow Jesus and depend on Him for guidance. We seek to live out Christian principles and beliefs in our personal and professional lives so that we may effectively encourage and promote the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social growth of our students.



Biblical Principles at LCA

  - Christianity and the Bible will be the only religious medium used in Lifestyle Christian Academy.


   - Christian Biblical character traits will be constantly expounded in all subjects of the curriculum.


   - All learners must agree to attend all Christian meetings held during school hours, to fully honour the Christian principles taught, and not to promote any other religion at school.


   - One of the basic reasons why parents enroll their children in a Christian school, is to obtain an education grounded in moral values and Scriptural principles. The school uses the Biblically-based ACE curriculum, which includes Scripture memory passages and references to God and Jesus Christ ? all designed to help students develop moral character, a sense of accountability and wisdom in their young lives.


    - Standards of personal conduct, school policies and the curriculum continue to build the student’s sense of responsibility and integrity.




 (사진이 위쪽 - 내용이 아래쪽 vs 사진이 아래쪽 - 내용이 위쪽?)


1) Worship



Worship is an integral part of a healthy walk with Christ. LCA students are required to attend weekly chapel services in order to worship through music, prayer, and the study of scripture. Each division caters these services to the specific needs of their students, but all share the same goal ? to glorify, honor and praise the name of Christ.


The school assembly is an important part of the school’s weekly activities. With a predominantly Christian community, the Biblical message and prayer will form an integral part of the assembly. 


























2) Bible Studies


LCA believes that the Scripture of the Old and New Testaments is the ultimate source of truth in all matters of faith and life. LCA offers opportunities to learn and study bible deeply. Our learners memorize the Bible verses as a story every month and it can help them to apply God's Word for their own life.   


"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."   2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17














3) Discipleship Training

The fact that Lifestyle Christian Academy teachers learners how to master the three R’s ( Reading, wRinting and aRithmetic), gives us legitimacy in the eyes of the world. As an academy, we have a mandate to equip our learners with the necessary tools to succeed in their professional careers one day.


 The other word in our school name is ‘Christian’ ? Lifestyle Christian Academy. This word begs us to ask the question,   “What gives us legitimacy in the eyes of God?” I believe we will have God’s approval if we obey His mandate to us.

“Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.” Matthew 28:18-20(CEV)


God’s mandate to us requires us to:

 - Go to all nations( the nations are in our classes)

 - Make disciples (How?)


 o  Immerse them in the NATURE of God ( 60 character traits of Jesus, etc.)

 o  Teach them to OBEY God’s Word ( Bible, listen to God’s voice, obey God)


If parents attend church services quite regularly, their child will be exposed to about 4-8 hours of Christian teaching in a month. At LCA, we have a child for 120 hours a month. If we take only 10-15% of that time in order to train our children in the ways of God, then we will have 12-18hours per month. What an opportunity to MAKE DISCIPLES for Jesus!





GGS (Gospel Garden School)




4) Serving


LCA did not exist for our own development. The proceeds from regular bazaars have also provided playgrounds in creche in poor communities, even sponsored refugee kindergartens in Lebanon and Nepal earthquake-redden areas. In addition, students continue to care for local communities, such as helping the underprivileged and cleaning up the streets. 


The JOY is the heart of our service at LCA. We seek to follow the example of Christ, who “came not to be served but to serve” (Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45), and give generously of our time and resources in gratitude for all that God has done for us (1 Samuel 12:24). In serving the community, we look to the interests of others above ourselves (Philippians 2:4). Throughout the school year, students in all divisions can participate in service opportunities.


The aim of serving is to expose our learners to the realities in the world, to give them a platform where they can share the Gospel through word and deed, and where they can develop in their God-given abilities. We encourage each class teacher to cultivate a love for Christian service in the hearts of his/her learners.